STRAWBERRIES! Yes, we have PLENTY of Pre-Picked STRAWBERRIES ready for you! The First TASTE of Spring! We love some Fresh Picked Strawberries! $5/pint. Pick your own is not open yet. We will have pick your own, once the volume of Berries in the field increases. We are picking a couple rows of early varieties now for the Market.

STRAWBERRIES! Yes, we have PLENTY of Pre-Picked STRAWBERRIES ready for you! The First TASTE of Spring! We love some Fresh Picked Strawberries! $5/pint. Pick your own is not open yet. We will have pick your own, once the volume of Berries in the field increases. We are picking a couple rows of early varieties now for the Market.

STRAWBERRIES! Yes, we have PLENTY of Pre-Picked STRAWBERRIES ready for you! The First TASTE of Spring! We love some Fresh Picked Strawberries! $5/pint. Pick your own is not open yet. We will have pick your own, once the volume of

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